It is a beautiful winter wonderland outside. I wonder what Kidane will think of this weather. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees snow for the first time. I was 17 when I remember seeing it for the first time. It was so amazing! It was in Ontario, Canada. It was large white flakes, falling straight down, and only 30 degrees outside. Hmmm, that never happens here in North Dakota.
Anyway, today was shots day. We drove through the beautiful, blowing snow to get our travel immunizations. The biggest baby in the group was myself. Cassie held my hand while I got my shots. I couldn't even look at the needle. They give me the chills just looking at them. I admire nurses and I am so thankful for them, I could never do that job. Kidane is going to have to get his vaccinations when he comes home. We are pretty sure he has had none in Ethiopia. We have so much here, so easily available to us. We have so much protection, it is easy to forget that God is our only real protection.
Today, I am thankful for a God who is always watching over us, even when we aren't asking for His protection. I am so thankful He is watching over my little boy, knowing that God loves Kidane even more than I do helps me have peace while I wait.
Another Amazing Adventure To My Favorite Place!
Your probably wondering how my trip to Ethiopia was, so here it goes......
I could go on and on about this trip, but I'll shorten it so you don't have
to ...
8 years ago