Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Heading back

Wow, we didn't expect it to happen this fast.  We got an email on Tuesday last week to say our 2nd appointment in Ethiopia would be June 27.  Wow.  It was 5 weeks from court to embassy appointment.  The sad part is we are the only parents from our first trip who are traveling over at this time.  In fact, we are the only family going at all this week to pick up our child.  
In some ways I am glad since we will have the guest house to our self and the attention of all the caretakers, nannies, and guards.  This will be a great opportunity to learn about his culture and experiences.  I am also praising the Lord that we didn't have to do the first trip alone.  That would have been too hard.  

Our lives feel like one carnival ride after another.  Sometimes, I feel nauseous, and other times I am enjoying the ride with my hands in the air yelling wohoo! There is so much I would love to have already done, in so many ways I think ohhh, I am not ready.  I need another week.  Yet, am I ever going to be totally ready? In my weakness God can show His strength.  If I was ready, and in control, would I forget who the real Captain is?  Yes Lord, I probably would.  Thank You for always being there and never letting me go.

Isaiah 41:10  Fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.