Thursday, February 2, 2012

Getting back into Life

Wow!  I realize that I haven't posted since my wonderful husband, Russell, hurt his back.  I didn't realize how busy my life would be. Now almost 4 months later, Russell is finally starting to get better. The kids have been amazing through all of this.  I know it has been hard on all of them.  Each one of them helped extra with no complaining.  They really love dad, and I know we all look forward to his full recovery.

I know it must be especially hard on Kidane.  He has already seen people he loves hurting and sick and then lost them.  I imagine that he is afraid that Daddy won't be able to play again.  He has tried to be so strong during this time.  Only once did he ask "Will daddy be able to play with me again?"  I could tell by the tone of his voice how  concerned he was.

The prayers and support of friends & family have been a strength for both Russell and I.  God created something wonderful when he created friendship!  So many times I received a hug, a smile or a text just when needed most.  And amazingly God gives the strength we need day by day.

Each day we have is a true miracle.  Make sure you take the time to appreciate the life you have been given.  Be thankful for everything, even the trials and hard times.  The experiences we have make us who we are.  Treasure each moment with your children, your spouse, your family, your friends.  Tell each one how much you love them and live each day to the fullest!!!!  That's how to get back into real life.

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